Discover The Powerful Secrets Of Astral Projection
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Imagine if you could see into your future…
So that you can learn the right steps to take in life—to alter your reality.
You see my friend, every step you take today creates momentum for where you are heading tomorrow… and there are infinite possibilities for you!
If you take my hand, I can show you the way into your future.
There’s an ancient and powerful technique for this that’s been documented all over the world, for thousands of years!
And you can use this spiritual power to see into your future.
Let me ask you this…
How would you like to see what actions to take in your life—so that you can shape your future reality the way that you want it to be?
And I’m not talking about “seeing” only your future…
How would you like to visit your past?
When you learn this ancient secret I’m about to tell you… you can go back in time to explore critical events in your life, and finally understand why they happened to you.
How would you feel…if you were able to finally forgive and let go of the past?
Or discover the answers to your life’s burning questions?
My friend, the ability to travel between your different realities is absolutely real. It’s as real as the life you’re living now. And traveling to your different realities…
Is only the beginning of what you can do!
In a moment, I’m going to show you how you can unlock your life’s mysteries.
This powerful ancient technique is a natural phenomena, and has been documented all over the world—in every culture and society—for thousands of years!
And the best thing is, this spiritual technique I’m talking about is already within you…waiting for you. All you need to do is learn how to use it.
And you can learn how, with…
The Secrets Of Astral Projection!
I’m not a novice when it comes to astral projection, lucid dreaming and spirituality in general as I have been studying this stuff well over 10 years now. But even with all that experience and education for some reason astral projection in specific was always out of reach for me.
Even though things like Lucid dreaming did not come naturally to me I still managed to learn it through patience and my own efforts. But alas no matter how much I tried the same did not happen with Astral Projection… until I came across your book.
At first, I didn’t think it was anything special because iv already read dozens of books on the topic, but I quickly noticed how these we’re different. The contents are not just a few stories or the author’s personal experiences… but rather the amalgamation of hundreds of years of research and studies all presented in an actually practical way.
This one change of learning not through 1 lense but rather the accumulated knowledge, methods and tricks of those who came before me is what made all the puzzle pieces come together for me and I am forever grateful!
CEO of
The truth is, there’s a spiritual gift inside you—one you were born with—that is so powerful it allows you to…
In fact, for thousands of years this ancient spiritual technique has been hidden from the modern world and kept secret to regular civilians.
Ancient Egyptian Priests knew about this powerful spiritual gift, and left inscriptions and drawings on temples, buildings, and rock walls for their successors.
As time went on, it was passed down and perfected by monks, spiritual leaders, and people from every culture and society—all over the world—to gain knowledge and leverage in their life.
This technique is so powerful that it is known to be used by government intelligence to spy on enemies, get access to heavily guarded information, and find the whereabouts of important people.
Some even say that time travel is how well-known prophets have made accurate claims of the future!
Astral Projection has been studied by past and modern scientists…
And even Albert Einstein is thought to have known about this when he said:
“The distinction between past, present and future is only an illusion, even if a stubborn one.”
So my friend, the truth about your spiritual powers is that they have been hidden from you for thousands years. They’ve been locked away and tucked behind the scenes to prevent you from going beyond “normal” and acceptable human capabilities.
But you’re not anywhere near what people have told you.
You’re a vibration of energy with a higher Self that has access to a world of infinite knowledge in what’s called the “Astral Planes”.
And you can only get there by Astral Projection.
Manfiest Psychic Powers and abilities so profound that you can actually see them work?
Did you know that astral projection is a spiritual gift, given to you at birth?
You see, we’ve been given this gift from day one of our lives. It’s born within us, so we can reach a higher level of consciousness, gain a crystal clear meaning of ourselves and the world, and navigate through life easier.
The thing is, most people don’t realize…
When you learn how to astral project and travel to the astral planes, you gain access to your spirit guides, higher Self, and other spiritual beings in the astral realms. All of whom you communicate with to help you solve your problems, and fine-tune your life!
You become the best version of yourself you can be!
And you finally understand what life is, and how your choices affect you and those you love…
With a much deeper, spiritual understanding.
Because, not only do you discover who your true Self is, what you’re capable of, and how you can make an impact, you also discover that you can understand planetary consciousness.
How great would it be to understand unity of all life? It’s possible, and your answers are found in the astral planes.
Did you know that there’s a current shift and expansion in consciousness that’s occurring on this planet—at this very time?
Slowly, we’re awakening as a whole to our true spiritual potential as we discover new powers within us. And they say, if you’re alive to see it, you’re going to experience a shift in the way we live our lives.
Part of this new awakening is understanding how we limit ourselves.
And some say that this shift includes the discovery of astral projection, and the access to the astral planes.
You see, when you gain access to the astral planes…
You discover powerful information about your human potential, and understand how to break free of self-illusions, limiting beliefs, and help others with their limiting beliefs, too.
It’s the ability to tap into your incredible potential as a human being, step into your purpose in this life… and align with your true Self.
It’s like the sap and the root…“When you take care of the sap, the whole tree gets taken care of”.And when you break free of your limitations, you become the best person you can be.
There’s something enlightening about being able to see and have knowledge of things that most people can’t.
Astral Projection is a gift few know how to take advantage of. But if you are one of the wise ones—and I think you are my spiritual friend—then you’re able to travel in the astral planes, and you immediately upgrade your life.
This energy shift has been explained in many different ways: “exhilarating”, “life-changing”, “freedom of the soul”…
Because when you understand there is more to life than what you know, you realize your true spiritual power as a human being.
Imagine the power you’ll have in your life when you….
Collectively, we’d all be in a better place if we were taught how to astral project from a very young age. Imagine that? Our lives would be so different.
So, the time is now to advance your soul, learn more about life as a whole, and to upgrade your life… with the ancient art of astral projection. Otherwise, you’re just a dry leaf on the ground, drifting wherever the wind takes you.
Astral projection (also called astral travel) is the art of your soul separating from your physical body and moving into another dimension (the astral planes).
You close your eyes, and you fall into a deep relaxation and meditation.
While you practice your relaxation techniques, you focus on your intentions. And after a while, you start to feel a warm vibration come over you…and a shiver runs down your spine.
Then, a shift in your energy and awareness levels makes you notice that there’s a change in your body; it feels lighter, weightless, and free.
You suddenly realize that your astral body has left your physical body…
And you can see yourself from where you’re floating effortlessly from above —you feel like an angel or a bird. Still, you are calm and at ease, knowing that this is a natural experience.
The greatest realization in your life has just happened…
“You are a powerful soul inhabiting a human body”.
And you are… astral projecting!
In just moments after you come to realize that you’re in your astral body, feelings of higher energy, love, and passion fill you, and you immediately know where to go.
You start the journey to the astral planes to search for your life’s burning questions.
The first thing you notice is that everything is energy…you can pass through walls and buildings…but you prefer to fly high in the sky so you can look at the scenery below.
And although you travel through the warm air and the billowing clouds at speeds unexplained, you’re able to see everything clearly and vividly.
You feel like a spirit of wind and light.
You notice that a magnetic-like pull is directing you—your soul knows exactly where to go.
And a feeling of “knowing” and calmness is present, as you understand that you can always go back to your body when you choose to.
In the astral planes you decide to stop at a beautiful summer meadow, where the warm afternoon sun is casting a golden light on the willow trees…
Suddenly, a ball of beautiful white light brightly shines in front of you, and an overwhelming feeling of strength, power and protectiveness comes over you.
This beaming light starts to form a figure, and you immediately recognize that this is your spirit guide who you’ve traveled to see and seek guidance from.
Your spirit guide reaches out their hand to you, and you place your hand in their hand. When you look up, your eyes meet as you smile at each other, as if saying…
“Hello, again.”
You feel safe, protected, and an unconditional love from them that is very familiar.
Then, in a conversation that you can both understand in this higher dimension, there is an instant transfer of higher wisdom, and you receive guidance on your future, and resolve your past.
Feeling at peace with the information you’ve received from your spirit guide, you part ways, knowing this isn’t the last time you’ll see them, and head back to your body satisfied and confident in what next steps to take in life.
You slowly descend into your physical body and you open your eyes with a new perspective and a deeper understanding of your life.
You’ve just transitioned into a higher level of consciousness…
And now hold a higher level of insight on how to shape your future, and what you can do that will help you arrive at your fullest potential in your human, physical life.
You’ve just traveled in the astral planes, my friend.
The astral planes are where you go to gain a deeper understanding about your inner self, your realities, and the realities of your loved ones, too.
When you visit the astral planes, you feel a deep connection with the universe, and you have a familiar feeling of “being at home”.
When you unlock this hidden world…
You find answers to your life’s questions and its mysteries.
But it’s different for everyone, because we are all going through our own life journey. So your intentions in the astral world will be different than mine (most likely). But the opportunity to evolve is the same.
So, for example…you might be struggling with a career choice, a love quarrel, or a limiting self-belief…
When you decide to get answers in the astral planes, you can choose to meet with your spirit guide, higher Self, healing teachers, loved ones, angels, or other spiritual beings that will help you along your path by transferring higher wisdom to you.
Learning how to astral project, means you are consciously aware of your choice—and your mind is awake to record the experience.
The astral planes have no limits within the universe, including time.
You can explore your past, present, or future…
And you can even explore past lives!
If you really want to get clear details on your life, you can take a trip to the sacred building that holds your Akashic Records.
Really, there is no limit. Your entire “record of your soul” is waiting for you in the astral planes. And it’s how we have learned many things about our human potential.
Never before has there been an opportunity to travel beyond this world—and without leaving the comfort of your home.
Yes, you can travel to the other side of this world and experience a culture that you’ve never seen before… observe cities in the future to see what our civilization is headed, and travel to any continent, body of water, mountain, or anywhere you want to explore.
But… have you thought about exploring new worlds and unknown civilizations?
What about visiting the moon, or going to Mars?
Astral travel can take you further than the world you live in.
Because we’re not limited by distance when we’re in our astral body, and we’re weightless, free, and fast traveling the astral planes…
We can journey through different planets and landscapes unknown.
Want to see what the galaxy looks like?
Swedish scientist and mystic, Emanuel Swedenborg, traveled to other planets to explore what was there – and that was hundreds of years ago!
The sky is not the limit… when you astral project.
Astral Travel gives you an inner blooming of your spiritual being…
An upgraded version of yourself, because when you do…you see life in its bigger, more meaningful picture.
When you master astral projection you unlock a level of understanding that most people aspire to achieve.
This ancient art form was widely practiced by highly trained Shamans, Monks and spiritual leaders to better their lives, the lives of others, and gain valuable information, inspiration, and be rewarded with spiritual enlightenment.
And… it’s the same spiritual gift that you have access to!
All you need are the right tools and techniques in your back pocket to start your personal journey in astral projection.
When you think about it, what would stop you?
There are endless stories from people all over the world who have experienced life-changing events from astral projection.
For example, it was documented that when a popular spiritual coach closed her eyes one night, she traveled to her future to see the outcome of her decision she was planning on making that night.
And because she was unhappy with the outcome she saw, she altered her decision the next morning to avoid an unwanted event in her life, and successfully created a new reality for herself.
You see, she saw how her decision affected the people she loved…and how she ended up living a life she was struggling to identify with. She saw how life wasn’t fulfilling her dreams.
But… because she was able to travel to the astral planes and gain access to her future, she re-aligned with her true Self and set on a new path to happiness.”
If you’re ready to Open Pandora’s Box…
There’s an enlightening spiritual world available for you to help you shape your life.
A world that offers insight on your life, your journey, why you’re here, and how your actions—thought through or not—dictate how your life develops in your future.
And learning how to astral project to understand your different realities (past present, and future), you’ll find answers to your life’s most pressing questions so that you can have a fearless future, alter your reality, and make peace with the past.
But, this is just the beginning of what you can do… when you can astral project!
Even if you’re a beginner (or you’ve tried astral projection before with little success)…
And even if you think you’ve tried it all…
This book is different.
Astral Projection Secrets teaches EVERYONE (at any level) the right techniques in an easy and complete, step-by-step guide…
So that you can learn how to have astral projection SUCCESS.
You get THREE levels in ONE book, so you can learn from A-Z.
By the time you’re finished this book, you’ll be an expert at astral projection!
It’s no coincidence you’re here, my friend.
You see, divine energy always leads us toward our next step… and opportunities are presented to us that we can choose to experience.
So, if you’re reading this now, it’s no mistake that you’ve intentionally been directed here so that you can:
Astral projection enables you to understand yourself —and the world—better than you could ever imagine… so that you can better your life, be inspirational, and help the ones you love.
The only question is…Are you ready to become a higher evolved spiritual being, and “finally THRIVE in your Life?”
You dont have to walk this journey alone…
Fast track your way to Spiritual Awakening and discover your dormant Astral Powers & Abilities.
I’ve prepared a little sneak peek of what’s waiting for you to be discovered inside the Astral Projection Secrets Course!
Groundwork chapters.
Training chapters.
Evolution chapters.
Everything you need to begin Astral Projecting safely and easily.
We leave no stone un-turned and cover every aspect of Astral Travel.
Listen to the quick preview of the audiobook.
These special made binureal beats were designed specifically to accelerate and improve your astral projection journey.
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Manfiest Psychic Powers and abilities so profound that you can actually see them work?
Manfiest Psychic Powers and abilities so profound that you can actually see them work?
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Ut cursus, orci quis auctor facilisis, sem libero tempus ipsum, sit amet dapibus tellus metus at nibh. Nam finibus pellentesque posuere. Curabitur sed leo pharetra, fringilla purus sit amet, sodales velit. Quisque tincidunt tellus tortor, nec convallis lectus tincidunt in. Phasellus non velit libero. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nunc sit amet pellentesque nibh. Vivamus nec lacinia diam. Vivamus tortor dui, eleifend a feugiat ut, rutrum ut mauris.
Tip: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla tempus ex at nulla varius dignissim. Integer a dignissim quam. In faucibus, ante at mollis volutpat, lectus metus ornare eros, ac suscipit lorem lacus tristique enim.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla tempus ex at nulla varius dignissim. Integer a dignissim quam. In faucibus, ante at mollis volutpat, lectus metus ornare eros, ac suscipit lorem lacus tristique enim. In ac aliquam lorem. Maecenas maximus mollis pellentesque. In diam ex, molestie ut facilisis a, tincidunt nec erat. Fusce rutrum erat sit amet ultricies scelerisque. Fusce nec est egestas sapien fringilla faucibus. Vivamus scelerisque est sapien, ut pellentesque elit lacinia at. Proin vel tellus purus. Maecenas non dolor et lacus sodales porttitor. Nunc libero urna, commodo condimentum lacus laoreet, euismod gravida dolor.
Ut cursus, orci quis auctor facilisis, sem libero tempus ipsum, sit amet dapibus tellus metus at nibh. Nam finibus pellentesque posuere. Curabitur sed leo pharetra, fringilla purus sit amet, sodales velit. Quisque tincidunt tellus tortor, nec convallis lectus tincidunt in. Phasellus non velit libero. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nunc sit amet pellentesque nibh. Vivamus nec lacinia diam. Vivamus tortor dui, eleifend a feugiat ut, rutrum ut mauris.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla tempus ex at nulla varius dignissim. Integer a dignissim quam. In faucibus, ante at mollis volutpat, lectus metus ornare eros, ac suscipit lorem lacus tristique enim. In ac aliquam lorem. Maecenas maximus mollis pellentesque. In diam ex, molestie ut facilisis a, tincidunt nec erat. Fusce rutrum erat sit amet ultricies scelerisque. Fusce nec est egestas sapien fringilla faucibus. Vivamus scelerisque est sapien, ut pellentesque elit lacinia at. Proin vel tellus purus. Maecenas non dolor et lacus sodales porttitor. Nunc libero urna, commodo condimentum lacus laoreet, euismod gravida dolor.
Ut cursus, orci quis auctor facilisis, sem libero tempus ipsum, sit amet dapibus tellus metus at nibh. Nam finibus pellentesque posuere. Curabitur sed leo pharetra, fringilla purus sit amet, sodales velit. Quisque tincidunt tellus tortor, nec convallis lectus tincidunt in. Phasellus non velit libero. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nunc sit amet pellentesque nibh. Vivamus nec lacinia diam. Vivamus tortor dui, eleifend a feugiat ut, rutrum ut mauris.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla tempus ex at nulla varius dignissim. Integer a dignissim quam. In faucibus, ante at mollis volutpat, lectus metus ornare eros, ac suscipit lorem lacus tristique enim. In ac aliquam lorem.
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Manfiest Psychic Powers and abilities so profound that you can actually see them work?
You don’t have to walk this journey alone…
Fast track your way to Spiritual Awakening and discover your dormant Psychic Powers & Abilities.